POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Why do I see something here: : Re: Why do I see something here: Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:24:45 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Why do I see something here:  
From: Severi Salminen
Date: 2 Dec 2003 09:24:09
Message: <3fcca089$1@news.povray.org>
> T_Wood3 is a layered texture, so I'm pretty sure what you're doing only 
> changes the ambient of the top layer, so the bottom layer keeps the 
> default of 0.1. I'm not sure what it does to make it *more* 
> visible...maybe you're just seing more contrast. Try putting this line 
> at the beginning of the scene, before you include woods.inc:
> #default {finish {ambient 0}}

Thanks that was it! I was also using the default statement, but I wrote 
it _below_ the #include, with no help. Obviously it should be before 
including the texture files.

Severi Salminen

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