POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : understanding gamma : Re: understanding gamma Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:55:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: understanding gamma  
From: nospam
Date: 28 Nov 2003 10:16:15
Message: <3fc6d59f.4578013@localhost>
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 22:57:04 +0000, Bill Hails
<bil### [at] europeyahoo-inccom> wrote:

>I'm slightly confused. Any help appreciated.
>Only recently I added Display_Gamma=1.7 to my config (it's probably
>1.8 but that was what I arrived at).

Just my two cents here ...

In my .pov file, I set the assumed_gamma in my
display settings to be the same as my display gamma.
This allows me to "feedback" output images back into
a render so that they don't get lighten or shortened
by successive re-renderings.

I avoid PNG like the plague.  The idea (and theory)
of PNG is wonderful, but no two programs seem to
implement gamma correction the same way.  They never
seem to agree on gamma.  The means that the
appearance of the images gets messed up worse
between programs than if I had not used PNG.  The
TGA format has always worked well for me.  BMP has
also worked well but is windows-specific and does
not seem to allow an alpha channel.

Your mileage may vary

Hope it helps, even if only partially

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