Warp wrote:
> Bill Hails <bil### [at] europe yahoo-inc com> wrote:
>> Blob 16563127 1082976 6.54
>> Blob Component 414964724 19817115 4.78
>> Blob Bound 1177489001 498256364 42.32
> Try manually bounding your blob with a tighter sphere or square.
> The hitrate above is very low and that's because POV-Ray usually
> creates very big boinding boxes for blobs (it's difficult to get
> an optimal one, even though I don't know if it's impossible).
Ah, I see it.
> You can find an optimal box or sphere by rendering a semi-transparent
> one around your blob and fine-tuning its location and dimensions until
> it tightly fits the blob. Then just add a bounding box or sphere to
> the blob with the same parameters.
>> Fractal 315767336 28621239 9.06
>> Lathe 2124622 136523 6.43
>> Sphere Sweep 138385042 3270646 2.36
> The same advice goes for these as well.
Yes, thanks.
> You can often fine-tune your area light to render slightly faster
> by modifying its parameters (mainly the 'adaptive' value, but sometimes
> even lowering the density of the pointlights). If the area light
> is lighting only a limited section of your scene, try seeing if you
> can make it a spotlight.
Spotlight is not an option, I'm afraid, but I'll take a look at 'adaptive'.
Thanks very much for your help.
Bill Hails
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