"PR" <a> wrote in message news:3fa0be36@news.povray.org...
> Can i make light spot projector using map .avi file ( or image .png like
> diapo) like in 3DS MAX using POVRAY.
Not directly from AVI. Indirectly, yes, if you extract frames. Or yes, if
you use a compatible image file type like PNG. Again, no, not from .avi
unless you extract the frames first.
If you want to create a movie within a movie (POV-Ray animation) effect then
that is possible if you have the individual frames (image files) to input as
a pigment image_map.
You can project the images onto a surface by using filtered transparency in
the image *film*, like when a light shines through a real movie projector
past film and onto screen.
I have a basic (and outdated) example pov and include files of movie within
movie in my "Links" at the website below (please click the [eyes] graphic to
get there).
If you need to know more about something else concerning this just post a
message reply. Especially if you are trying to do more than what I
Bob H.
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