POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere? : Re: How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:19:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere?  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 5 Oct 2003 16:58:03
Message: <3f8085db@news.povray.org>
"Christian Kollross" <cko### [at] lycosde> wrote in message
> Thank you, that code was exactly what I've been looking for.
> I know that I'm not so good at using the POV-Ray Help, but one reason
> be that I don't always find the correct keywords for searching because I
> originally speak German. "Picture" would probably have been a great
> to use but when thinking of a keyword my brain sowehow blocked and I
> to use the tree structure where I probably was mislead by some expressions
> understood wrong at first sight...

Ah-ha. Makes perfect sense now why you weren't able to find a quick answer
from within the Help.

Bob H.

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