POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere? : Re: How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:54:58 EST (-0500)
  Re: How can I apply a map of earth on a sphere?  
Date: 4 Oct 2003 23:49:43
Message: <3f7f94d7$1@news.povray.org>
// Hi Christian,
// renderings of earth and other planets (stand-alone or for an
// orrery) are posted in the POV-Ray newsgroups from time to time,
// for example "rendering mars" in p.b.i., 2003/15/08, by Christoph
// Hormann.
// These sections of the documentation will be relevant for you:
// Image Maps
// Mapping using warps
// Bitmap modifiers
// The following code is a complete scene illustrating all this.
// The first (left) sphere has a simple image map; the second
// (right) sphere has a planar image map "warped" onto it; this
// is much more flexible.
// Searching for "DEM" or "Digital Elevation Map" in the POV-Ray
// newsgroups will give you some hints for a "bumpy" earth.
//    Sputnik

// spheres with image maps

// +SP8 +EP8 +A0.1 +AM2 +R3 -FN +D

sphere { 0, 1
  pigment {
    image_map {
      png "povmap.png" // in standard POV-Ray include directory
      map_type 1 // spherical mapping
      interpolate 2 // bilinear
  finish { ambient .4 diffuse .8 }
  translate -1.3*x

#declare Rows = 4;
#declare Columns = 5;

sphere { 0, 1

  pigment {

    // get a planar image from <0,0> to <1,1>
    image_map {
      png "povmap.png"
      map_type 0 // planar mapping
      interpolate 2 // bilinear

    // shrink to get Rows*Columns images into <0,0> to <1,1>
    scale <1/Columns, 1/Rows, 1>

    // also try this rotation!
    //rotate 30*z

    // use this translation together with "once" (in image_map above)
    //translate <.75, .5, 0>

    // wrap it around a sphere centered at <0,0,0>
    warp { spherical } // "warp", not "wrap"!


  finish { ambient .4 diffuse .8 }
  translate 1.3*x


background { color 1 }
light_source { <-10, 3, -6>, 1 }
camera { location <4, 4, -7> look_at 0 angle 30 }

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