"mudong" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> Thanks a lot, what I actually want is a curve(a smiling mouth) on the
> sphere, how to do that? thank you so much.
Well, "sth" is a contraction for the word something, unless I'm mistaken.
Christopher actually gave you a good way of doing it, just don't use text
and instead use a CSG object.
Try this, for example:
#declare Smile=
union {
// eyes
sphere {0,1 scale <1/12,1/6,1/2> translate <-1/3,1/4,-1/2>}
sphere {0,1 scale <1/12,1/6,1/2> translate <1/3,1/4,-1/2>}
difference {
// mouth
cylinder {-z*2,0,1 translate y/2}
cylinder {-z*2,0,1.25 translate y}
scale <0.5,0.25,0.5> translate -y/4
// mouth corners
sphere {0,1 scale <1/20,1/10,1/2> rotate -30*z translate <-1/2,-1/5,-1/2>}
sphere {0,1 scale <1/20,1/10,1/2> rotate 30*z translate <1/2,-1/5,-1/2>}
sphere {
pigment {
object {
pigment { color red 1.6 green 1.4 blue 0 }
pigment { color rgb 0 }
scale 2 translate y
Sorry if you wanted to make it yourself, or sth (ha ha), but I just had to
try it myself to see it and figured you might as well have it to look over.
Bob H.
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