> "mmm" <mik### [at] comcastnet> wrote in message
> news:web.3f7ab44c4e1728de48fe3750@news.povray.org...
> Ignore the warning? Is the warning causing you a specific problem, or is
> objection to it purely aesthetic?
In fact, warning messages can be a real problem. A long parsing loop issuing
that sort of warning can make the parsing extremely slow. Ditto with some of
the isosurface warnings.
For instance :
#declare i=0;union{#while (i<100000)union{sphere{0,1 translate x*i}}#declare
takes 2 min 10 to parse on my machine, instead of 10s if no union is used.
Though much preferable, making a check isn't always easy and can increase
the parsing time so there are some cases where it's just more practical to
turn the messages off with -GW if they become a nuisance.
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