Warp already gave that reply, but with a chunk of #if around it, so I
thought I'd put it here for simplicity:
union{} takes several objects.
object{} takes just one.
So, instead of union{}, just use object{}, but once you'll use more than one
actual object there, I think POV-Ray issues not only a warning, but stops as
well. That's the point where Warp's #if come in: check if you actually have
one or more objects, and then use object{}/union{} as required.
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: tim.nikias (@) gmx.de
> I'm writing a macro that takes the union of from 1 to n objects. If there
> is one object, POV rightfully issues a warning message. How can I get
> around the problem? If POV had a null object, I could always include that
> in the union.
> Thanks in Advance.
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