"Albert Moben" <al.### [at] freenetde> wrote in message
> Why have the official download links on http://www.povray.org/download not
been updated? Both binaries and source code links are
> still pointing to the buggy 3.5 version.
3.51 is not available yet - the phrase "this has been fixed a long time ago in
3.5.1" should probably read "this is a known bug and will be fixed in 3.5.1"
> Maybe the dev-team has good reasons not yet to release the new version, but
that would raise another question:
> Why is the bug not mentioned on the known bug list
http://www.povray.org/download/3.5-bugs.php since it is a known bug?
A good question - the answer IMHO is that the developers' priority is focused on
coding, rather than keeping the public bug-list up to date. In general, you'll
find this newsgroup a better place to stay informed of developments rather than
the website
> Seems the official homepage hasn't been updated since "a long time ago"...
in a galaxy far-far away....
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