POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Help on transparency : Re: Help on transparency Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:20:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: Help on transparency  
From: JC (Exether)
Date: 20 Aug 2003 07:13:34
Message: <3f4357de$1@news.povray.org>
From my experience all imaging tools don't handle png's transparency 
very well. I'm a bit supprised Photoshop doesn't though, but you can try 
with Gimp which supports it and save your image as gif or use ImageMagik 
convert utility.

Into web pages, it depends on the browser, IE doesn't do transparency 
(new versions might though), but Mozilla handles it.

Also, the background color that you set doesn't matter since you put the 
+UA option.


Dave wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a moving gif with a transparent background to put into
> a web page.
> I can create what I want as a png file which, in PovRay, looks like a
> transparent background (ie the grey-white check).  However, if I open the
> images in Photoshop, or insert into a web page, the background is black.
> I have used
> background { color rgbf <0,0,0,1> }
> in the .pov file and
> +UA
> in the .ini file.
> Any ideas anyone?
> Dave

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