"Matthew Pace" <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote in message
news:mat### [at] netplexaussieorg...
Okay, you introduced the following error when you changed the variable
#declare currnet_point=0;
but this line is weird too (imho):
#while (y_coord_outer >= -2.5) // what?
Correct them, and I get your degenerate point error.
Now, given your condition:
#while (y_coord_outer >= -2.5)
#declare y_coord_outer=2.5;
#declare y_coord_inner=1.5;
#declare y_coord_outer=y_coord_outer-.25;
#declare y_coord_inner=y_coord_inner-.15;
and that you will get an error if the two values are equal, it follows that
they reach equality prior to or at the condition.
You can fix it by modifying the condition to:
#while (y_coord_outer >= -2.5 & y_coord_outer != y_coord_inner)
but I've no idea if this is your intent.
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