"Hugo Asm" <hua### [at] post3teledk> wrote in message
> Thanks for your replies! I still don't think the shadow-effect is too
> I've concentrated the light around the object in focus. I'm interested in
> discrete fog, not overwhelming in the picture. But then I can hardly see
> shadow effect. My eyes somehow expect a bit more. How can I exaggerate it?
> I've posted a simplified version of the scene at p.text.scene-files.
Ahhh, now I understand what you were saying before. This is about visual
perceptions caused by the pupil dilating or contracting depending on the
amount of light present. I think you can usually see into a shadowed area
IRL a little better than you'd be able to do in a image on a computer
screen. That could account for the descrepency from what you see and what
you expect to see.
I tried a few changes to your script and basically got nowhere--- unless you
count my perceived notions of what I thought I was seeing. Not going to be
simple to have very thin dusty air and also a pronounced shadow. A possible
solution might be the usage of the light_group feature to create two
separate light sources shining into the media, with neither interacting
together and affecting the shadow differently. Alas, I had no luck with that
either. Take a look at my reply to your scene file posting at p.t.s-f.
Bob H.
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