Is there a POV-Ray patch or something for hyperthreading?
I just fired up POV-Ray 3.5 with P4 Xeon 3000 ( I'm on vacation: ), and
Skyvase on 640x480 AA 0.3 is a 9 seconds (SSE2 is detected, but the only one
of 'virtual' processors work). Result is bad - P4 Nothwood or AMD 1200 need
about 12 seconds for the same. With some other raytracers, Xeon 3000 can be
up to three times faster than Northwood 1800.
Any help, link, please? Or I need to launch two POVs?
I just tried with
POV-Ray and Ml POV 0.81, with different files, it works, both of procs are
on 100% (but seems that MlPOV don't recognize
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