"ehmdjii" <ehm### [at] SPAMgmxnet> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] 204213191226...
> what would be the best kind of object to model a screw?
If rendering time is a concern and/or the screw isn't going to be the main
subject matter you could use a simple cylinder with surface normal pattern
such as spiral1, along with some CSG to add the head. However, to make one
with actual threads you'd want to use a function in a isosurface.
You could also get the threads done with a series of positive and negative
strength components of a blob, but that is rather slow to render so
isosurface would be better. Except you might have more control if using
blob, for example to do a wood or sheetmetal screw with pointed tip.
Anyway, depends a lot on the type needed and how it will be shown.
Bob H.
Simple example of isosurface screw or bolt threads:
// iso-screw threads
#declare ThreadDepth=0.5;
#declare TPI=0.3; // 1=1 thread per inch, 0.1=10 tpi (2 units=1")
#declare fn_Spiral1 = function {
pigment {spiral1 1 triangle_wave rotate 90*x scale TPI*2*y }
isosurface {
function {
(fn_Spiral1(x,y,z).gray*ThreadDepth) + (x*x + z*z) }
contained_by { box { -1, 1 } }
threshold 1
accuracy 0.005
max_gradient 4
texture {
pigment {rgb 0.9}
normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.01}
finish {
ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.2
specular 0.8 roughness 0.02
reflection {0.3,0.6 falloff 3
metallic 1 exponent 1.5
brilliance 2
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