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  Is there a function...  
From: Florian Rustedt
Date: 9 Jul 2003 08:00:56
Message: <3f0c03f8@news.povray.org>
1.  ...that makes simple object "roundedged", so that all is looking more

Be aware, i do NOT mean antialiasing. It's just the fact that nothin in
reality is as sharp-edged, as the results in povray are, what theoretically
is a good thing, because it has to be mathematically exact.

But if i am constructing p.e. an chair or a table, there is an enormous
effort for rounding the edges making it look like REAL wood, plastic, etc,
because real materials (except steel) are never as sharp, as they are in
pov, because they are not hard enough...
2.  ...that i can apply to make the light, shadows and surfaces look more

This is based up on the fact, that all is looking a little bit plastic like,
equal if i add some finishes or not. Another thing is the sharpeness in
every depth, what a normal photo never is.

In other words: are there some very basic steps i can apply to my scene or
rendered picture that generally realisticalize it a little bit more??

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