> I know a piece of software which might help a little. Go to the 'panorama
> tools' website at http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~dersch/. As far as I
> it's is not exactly what you are looking for, but you are able to view
> panoramic images with it.
Yes, I've played with this one a little bit but it's a series of tools to
stitch and create panoramas images out of single pictures. To create QTVRs
out of it you still need to run your bitmap through the same Apple thingie
that is unavailable for non MacOS users or through much more expensive
Something I don't get is that while I've been through quite a number of
panorama sites (with tutorials, comparisons of software etc.) I've seen none
stating clearly that what I (and probably other people) want is a simple,
free or very cheap utility to do this doesn't exist for non-Apple machines.
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