POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Problem with 'object' errors? : Problem with 'object' errors? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:37:42 EST (-0500)
  Problem with 'object' errors?  
From: Jessie K  Blair
Date: 16 Jun 2003 01:51:19
Message: <3eed5ad7$1@news.povray.org>

// Change these variables to indicate deisered sizes and textures.

// Radius of the large sphere.
#declare MajorRadius = 10;

// Radius of the orbital spheres.
#declare MinorRadius = 1;

// Radius of the orbit path.
#declare Diff_Radius = 12;

// Textures of the Sphere and it orbitals, respectively.
#declare SphereTex = texture { pigment { color rgb <.8, .1, .3> } finish
{ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.85 phong 1.0 } }
#declare OrbitlTex = texture { pigment { color rgb <.3, .1, .8> } finish
{ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.85 phong 1.0 } }


// Macro for creating the spherical orbitals.
#macro OrbitalSphere (MainR, OrbitalR, OrbitR, T1, T2)
#declare CountR=0;
#declare CountN=0;
#local Orbited = sphere { <0, 0, 0>, MainR texture { T1 } }
#local Orbital = sphere { <0, 0, 0>, OrbitalR texture { T2 } }
#declare Num_Orbs = 360/(OrbitR/OrbitalR);
#declare Row_Orbs = MainR;


#while (CountR <= Row_Orbs)
   #while (CountN <= Num_Orbs)
      object { Orbital translate <OrbitR, CountR, 0> rotate <0, CountN, 0> }
      #declare CountN = CountN+1;
   #declare CountR = CountR+1;



object { OrbitalSphere (MajorRadius, MinorRadius, Diff_Radius, SphereTex,
OrbitlTex) }

When I run this code I get an error from the parser that states "Parse
error: No matching } in 'object', object found instead.
The error highlights the object statement nested within the #WHILE loops.
Anyone have any clue why this problem is occuring, when it should not be a
problem at all?

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