Hughes, B. <omn### [at] charternet> wrote in message
> I'm not at all sure if this is related to something discussed long ago but
> if it is it would be due to trouble with transparency or filtered colors.
> just can't remember if a fix was attempted in 3.5 either, and if so that
> making this a different problem. Or there's something else amiss in how
> you're scene is done I guess.
> ----
> Well, I checked a simple scene here and didn't see what you described.
> thing that shows up is the shadow of the sphere, unless no_shadow is added
> to remove it. Shouldn't be seeing the shadow though, ideally, so that
> be a bug still.
Thanks for the input, Bob. Your sample seems to work fine, so maybe I'm
doing something wrong in my code. Here's a stripped down scene with the
media & fog I'm using...
#include "colors.inc"
#include "skies.inc"
#declare campos = <-13.5,6,-15.5>;
#declare seepos = <5,3.8,5>;
location campos
look_at seepos
angle 80
light_source { <-50,20,-10> White }
sky_sphere { S_Cloud5 }
fog {
distance 125
color rgbf <.550,.440,.400,.15>
fog_type 2
fog_offset 6.85
fog_alt 7.1
// turbulence .5 // doesn't make any difference
#declare Glow = sphere { 0, 1.3 hollow
pigment { rgbt 1 }
media {
scattering { 3, <.025,.02,.002> extinction .15 }
intervals 25
samples 1.5,1.5
confidence 0.98
variance 1/1024
density { spherical
color_map {
[0.00 rgbf <.015,.005,.000, 1.00>]
[0.15 rgbf <.235,.115,.001, 0.80>]
[0.50 rgbf <.505,.425,.003, 0.60>]
[1.00 rgbf <.725,.580,.025, 0.15>]
scale 1.2
media {
emission <.225,.210,.055>
density { spherical
color_map {
[0.00 rgb <.000,.000,.000>]
[0.10 rgb <.045,.015,.010>]
[0.25 rgb <.245,.135,.025>]
[1.00 rgb <.485,.280,.035>]
turbulence .65
// inverse // on or off doesn't make any difference
#declare E_Light = light_group
light_source { <.2,0,.2> rgb <1.2, 1, .95> fade_power 11 fade_distance
object { Glow }
#declare Spook = union {
object { E_Light }
light_source { <0,0,0> rgb<.65,.5,.1> fade_power 1.9 fade_distance 9 }
object { Spook scale 3 translate y*7 } // lights on...
// object { Glow scale 3 translate y*7 } // lights off (doesn't make a
plane { y .1 pigment { rgb <.6,.7,.1> } }
// eof
My lighting is different, but that doesn't seem to have any bearing. If
I've done something blatantly stupid in my code, feel free to point it out.
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