The second "#declare TexA ..." should be "#declare TexB ...".
Only PatternNumbers from 1 to 3 and one default pattern are
defined, so the following scene shows all these patterns.
e-mail: fr### [at] computermuseumfh-kielde
// -F +D +A0.1 +W800 +H600
#include "colors.inc"
#include "checker.inc"
camera { location <-10, 15, -15> look_at 0 }
light_source { <-150, 200, -100> color rgb 1 }
#declare TexA = texture { pigment { color White } }
#declare TexB = texture { pigment { color Red } }
#declare TexC = texture { pigment { color Green } }
#declare TexD = texture { pigment { color Blue } }
#declare N = 1;
#while (N<=4)
#declare Z = N*8-12;
box { <-10,-2,Z>, <-4,0,Z+6> texture { T_Checker (N,TexA,TexB) } }
box { < -2,-2,Z>, < 4,0,Z+6> texture { T_Checker2(N,TexA,TexB) } }
box { < 6,-2,Z>, <12,0,Z+6> texture { T_Hexagon (N,TexA,TexB,TexC) } }
box { < 14,-2,Z>, <20,0,Z+6> texture { T_Hexagon2(N,TexA,TexB,TexC,TexD) } }
#declare N = N+1;
#end//while Nr
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