> > What does it means BTW ?
By the way.
> What does what mean? Cross posting? It is a way to post one message to
> multiple groups. I'm not sure of the best way to do it with Outlook...
Multi-posting involves sticking separate posts about the same thing in
different newsgroups. If someone spends time answering a question in this
newsgroup, and then finds that it has already been answered in another, it
sometimes annoys them. Cross-posting links these posts together so that when
someone replies in one newsgroup, the reply appears as if by magic in each
of the other newsgroups.
It's really quite simple, and is described in almost every NG FAQ ever
written. In the line Newsgroups: (note that it is plural, which should give
you a hint!), you can type:
the names of each newsgroup seperated by comas:
povray.general, povray.windows, etc
And away you go.
Alan Walkington
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