Hi Bob,
the black spots are a typical consequence of coincident surfaces -- POV-
Ray can't decide which surface comes first: the surface of the box or the
surface of the BeveledEdge. See " Co-incident Surfaces" in the
manual. So you have to use a "bigger knive"; if you replace your points
of the beveling prism by
<-1.01,-1.01>, <-1.01,.76>, <.76,-1.01>, <-1.01,-1.01>
(and put the "}" before the "//"!), the coincident surfaces are gone.
But there is an even bigger and much easier "knife":
#declare BeveledEdge = plane { <1, 0, 1>, 0 translate -0.25*x }
Easy, isn't it? (This is the "cutting plane" of your prism.)
Now look closely at the beveled circle: the intersection of cylinder and
cone is ... a cone! So you could use
#declare BeveledCircle = cone { <7, 7, 0.75>, 7, <7, 7, 0>, 6.25 }
This is faster and much easier. If you want a partial bevel, i. e. a
cylindrical part plus beveled part like this (use a non-proportional
font to look at this ASCII-picture):
/ \
! !
! !
then use
union { cylinder {...} cone {...} }
because union is faster than merge, intersection and difference.
For very complicated beveled shapes you could use my "Brett.inc": see
the thread "Round/bevel: Include file" at povray.binaries.scene-files,
started on 23rd January 2003. Please read *all* my posts in this thread,
there are some corrections and you will also find a tutorial and a "test
arena" for experimentation.
Have fun!
e-mail: fr### [at] computermuseumfh-kielde
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