Hi Robert,
what you need is Pigment Map Texture Map
The following little but complete scene shows how a texture map can
be utilized to put stripes onto helicopter blades. The appearance
near the center isn't realistic (as seen at the auxiliary rotor),
but improved by composing the main rotor of an 'hollow' outer rotor,
an inner rotor and an axle.
//----- START OF ROTOR ----------------------------------------------
// texture for the gaps between blades
#declare ClearTex = texture { pigment { color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 1> } }
// texture for blades
#declare BladeTex = texture {
pigment { onion
frequency 3
color_map {
[ .3 rgbt <1, 0, 0, .2> ]
[ .3 rgbt <1, 1, 1, .2> ]
finish { }
//texture for 'inner rotor'
#declare DarkTex = texture { pigment { color rgbt <.3, .3, .3, .2> } }
// rotor macro
#macro Rotor (Diameter, Hole, Blades, Width, Blur, Tex)
disc { 0, y, Diameter, Hole
texture { radial
frequency Blades
texture_map {
[ Width Tex ]
[ Blur+Width ClearTex ]
#end//macro Rotor
// rotor of helicopter
Rotor (3 , 0.5, 6, .5, .2, BladeTex)
Rotor (0.5, 0 , 6, .1, .2, DarkTex)
cylinder { 0.1*y, -0.3*y, 0.1 texture { DarkTex } }
// 'helicopter'
union {
sphere { -y, 0.8 }
cone { <0, -0.7, 0>, 0.5, <4, -0.7, 0>, 0 }
texture { pigment { color rgb <1, .8, 0> } }
// auxiliary rotor
object { Rotor (1, 0, 4, .6, .2, BladeTex)
rotate 90*x
translate <4, -0.7, 0.2>
// ground plane, light, camera
plane { y, -3 texture { pigment { checker } } }
light_source { <1, 1, -1>*100, 1}
#camera { location <-6, 10, -15> look_at -y angle 25 }
//----- END OF ROTOR ------------------------------------------------
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