POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : I don't understand how media scales : I don't understand how media scales Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:16:13 EST (-0500)
  I don't understand how media scales  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Date: 4 Apr 2003 21:34:37
Message: <3e8e40bd$1@news.povray.org>
//--- povray 3.5 SD file-------------
// the variable casey switches the scene between two scenarios:
// casey=0:  a unit radius sphere seen through tiny camera angle;
// casey=1;  a "big" sphere seen through a normal camera angle;

#declare casey=0;
//declare casey=1;

#declare sun_radius=array[2]{1,15000};
#declare camera_angle=array[2]{.0009,45};
#declare sun_position= <-0.25, 0.10, 0.83>*150000;

background{rgb 0}
sphere{0, sun_radius[casey]
pigment{rgbft 1}
                emission 0.75
                scattering {1, 0.5}
                density { spherical
                        color_map {
                                [0.0 rgb <0,0,0.5>]
                                [0.5 rgb <0.8, 0.8, 0.4>]
                                [1.0 rgb <1,1,1>]
                //scale 0.5*sun_radius[casey]
translate sun_position}

camera {
   location  <0, 10,-50>
   look_at   sun_position
   angle    camera_angle[casey]

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