So, working on my Water-Script, here's an idea I had:
Give two corner-points for the planar mesh.
Give surface normal for that plane.
The system should then construct a grid and generate
the appropriate vectors in order to calculate differences
in heights (in relation to the normal vector) needed for the
algorithm to work.
Problem is, this method only gets me squared meshes
(no rectangles) and the angles of the original spanvectors
aren't exactly aligned with the axis'.
So, question:
Should I rather have the User define three corners, and any
point "above" the water plane (the above is required to get
the correct direction for the surface normal and thus for the
algorithm to work properly), this would lead to four vectors the
user has to set.
Otherwise, the system would have to be limited to a y-plane.
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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