I'm having a problem understanding the light fading computation in POV. I'm
not sure it is a bug or just I who don't do it right. Here goes.
I was starting to setup a scene and wanted to test the lighting setup but
the render didn't show what I was expecting. Light seemed to fade way too
slowly. So I wrote a simple anim designed to test the inverse square law and
checked the values I picked from the frames with the values computed by the
light fading formula found in section of the help file. And the set
of values are way different.
Could someone explain what I am doing wrong or if my setup is right, explain
the differences in light intensity from the samples frames and the formula?
Really, I'm at lost.
Here is the simple scene (set final_frame = 30 in povray.ini) :
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
#declare Finish=finish{diffuse 1.0 ambient 0.0}
#declare White=texture{pigment{rgb<1,1,1>} finish{Finish}}
#declare WhiteLight=<1,1,1>;
<0, 0, 0>
color WhiteLight
fade_power 2.0
fade_distance 5.0
location <0, 0, 0>
direction <0, 0, -1>
up <0, 1, 0>
right <-1, 0, 0>
angle 4
translate <0, 0, 1-frame_number>
<-10, -10, 0>, <10, 10, -1>
texture {White}
translate <0, 0, -4-frame_number>
And here are the values. First column are the intensity values sampled from
each frame of the anim and second column is computed from the formula.
254 256
232 210
213 173
196 144
181 121
168 102
156 88
146 76
137 66
129 58
122 51
116 46
110 41
105 37
100 33
96 30
92 27
88 25
85 23
82 21
79 20
76 18
74 17
71 16
69 15
67 14
65 13
63 12
62 11
60 11
White Zebra
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