Try using a camera statement like this:
//<POV-Ray script>
camera {location <0, 1, -100>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0,1,0> }}
//</POV-Ray script>
Using this camera syntax, the values of your render size
are automatically used to set the aspect ratio. You can
then use any shape of rectangle and the image will always
be correctly proportioned. Note that the words "image_width"
and "image_height" are POV-Ray keywords and not
not the actual values (ie. not 800 or 600).
"Valia" <tuc### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> I am trying to adjust the display so a sphere I am generating will fit
> inside the display. Basically, I need a 1:1 x:y ratio. However, doing this
> squishes my image. I'm sure there is a solution, but I have searched and
> not found it.
> Valia
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