POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : natural looking light : Re: natural looking light Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:29:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: natural looking light  
From: Tom Melly
Date: 25 Feb 2003 12:17:07
Message: <3e5ba513$1@news.povray.org>
"Kosina.Josef" <sku### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> I need to create a scene with naturaly looking light, one-point light
> source is not what i want - it makes effect like a candle in a dark.
> I want to create scene with daylight, little clouded maybe.

Well, you could leap right in at the deep end, and check in the manual for
"radiosity", but I'd recommend, initially, an area light (for soft-shadows) and
a shadowless fill-light placed at the same position as the camera to avoid
unnatural dark shadows (the ambient value of a texture can do this to, but a
shadowless fill-light is easier to control IMHO).

For a radiosity scene demo, check out the "scenes" folder in the directory you
installed pov to and look for a sub-folder called "radiosity". Try the file
"radiosity.pov", and try enabling the high quality settings.

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