> A hf mountain surrounded
> by existing vegetation macros and existing water code, and lit with global
> illumination may be harder to compose and color properly,
But that's the problem ! We (hobbysts) don't have really good vegetation
macros, or really good water code, or really good cloud code or even really
good ways to create and texture mountains. Even realistic haze can turn into
a nightmare
So we have fairly nice bits of this and that which can be put cleverly
together to create actually good images
http://www.e-onsoftware.com/Gallery/Pictures/7-laux.jpg) , but it's really
not simple, and there's a lot of standard landscapes that I still have to
see in hobbyst's 3D (like
Perhaps I should only say that the current limitations in CG landscaping are
much more important than for indoors scenes or "package-shot" scenes. I've
seen a lot a photorealistic scenes of this latter kind but very few
photorealistic landscapes (and again, I'm not saying that photorealism is a
good criteria to judge an image).
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