POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.animations : Bubbles animation : Re: Bubbles animation Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:22:01 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bubbles animation  
From: Andrew Coppin
Date: 26 Sep 2002 16:19:34
Message: <3d936bd6@news.povray.org>
> Anyway... it's somewhat effervescent looking. The bubbles seem to grow out
> of a invisible plane? Were they clipped or differenced to make them appear
> and disappear?
> --
> Farewell,
> Bob

Well, ideally the bubbles would materialise so far away that you don't
notice that they're not there from frame 1. But hey, I haven't got all year
;-) It took all day to render as it is... *sigh*

So anyway, each bubble appears out of nowhere at a given clock value 'cos
that's the way I wrote the scene. But the bubbles *dissapear* when they hit
the surface of the water (which they're CSG'd out of ;-). Actually I'd like
to make the bubbles "burst" propperly when they get to the surface, and even
send out little ripples along the water's surface (and last part of the
animation is a bit blank), but... OK, first *OUCH* math overload!... and
second *OUCH* need more more _MORE_ CPU power 8->


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