Hugo wrote:
> Isn't that perfect? :o) It looks perfect to me!
> And I have no idea how to program something like this.
Thanks, Hugo. (No cheque in the post this time, mate!)
It's not quite perfect. The chassis wobbles way too much in the Z axis
and the whole basis of the simulation is wrong anyway as the front
wheels are rotated in Z according to an averaged angle (instead of being
independently suspended/rotated). The read wheels are rotated in Z
using this trumpery gimcrack, too.
The wheels X rotatation is fake too. Look close (vveerryy close) and
you'll see that they don't rotate relative to the distance they've
actually travelled (including the extra up and down of the bumps), just
the rotation in relation to a fixed Z distance. (Confused?)
The next stage will be to give the chassis a proper centre of gravity to
rotate around (it currently rotates around averaged Z and X angles taken
from positions of the wheels) OR to enforce a proper simulation with
springs, etc.
*And* I want to include a force/intertia system for animations so that
the chassis will wobble back and forth and side to side as the car
skids, slides to a stop, etc. That should actually be pretty easy,
believe it or not!
Break out the Nurofen!
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