"Tim Nikias" <tim### [at] gmxde> wrote in message
> > I was going to ask that, but also, do you plan to have different
> species
> > competing for space/resources and, therefor, have vegetation die off and
> > repopulating available space ?
> Regarding your question:
> Its not actually a simulation, but a system that should be
> used to position objects on a heightfield
Sure, but I was thinking if you have say two or three different species
spreading from two or three different source points I think you're going to
get fairly predictable and un-natural looking patchy vegetation.
Implement competition/die off/repopulation and you should get a more
realistic mix of vegatation across the whole heightfield.
Pandora/Scott Hill/[::O:M:C::]Scorpion
Software Engineer.
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