> I can dig up the files, but perhaps you get the idea?
Here is one. You will probably be able to improve it.
// Blur pigment from <0,0,0> to <1,1,0>
// by Hugo Asmussen
camera { location <0,0,-5> look_at 0 angle 48 }
light_source { <-80,80,-80>, 1 }
#declare Input=pigment { checker rgb 1,rgb 0 scale .5 }
#declare Layers=255; // between 1 - 255
#declare Amount=.025;
#declare Output=
pigment { image_map { function 50,50 {
pigment { average pigment_map {
#local Layers=1/Layers;
#local Count=0;
[1 Input translate vrotate(Amount*x,(360*Count)*z) ]
#local Count=Count+Layers;
} scale .5 +(.5/25) }
} interpolate 2 }
box { <-10,-10,0>,<10,10,-1> pigment { Output } }
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