Hey all,
When I output a PNG file with Bits_Per_Color=16, loading it into
Photoshop 6.0 does not produce a recognizable image. Is there something
wrong with POV's 48-bit PNG output, or am I missing something here? I would
prefer to just output a PPM with a .raw extension, but theres no way to
automate this anymore as +FR was dropped. I'd rather not have to use
+oImage.raw becaue then I lose the ability to have the scene file name in
the image. (Photoshop does not read PPM files with a .ppm extension, they
have to be loaded as .raw).
Any ideas on getting POVRay to output a 48-bit PNG (or other 48-bit file
format) suitable for Photoshop?
George Pantazopoulos
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