First of all: the animation doesn't show me any movements.
It's pretty simple: put springs between cloth particles that are too near
eachother. Those springs are only capable of pushing away particles
(otherwise the cloth will stick onto itself). And to get some more
efficiency when checking if particles that are too close you should divide
the space where the cloth is in small boxes. Then a particle can only be too
near another particle that is in the same box or in an adjecent one. I did
some cloth tests and put them on http://geitenkaas.dns2go.com/experiments/.
If you want to see some anims that show those boxes, try
(2,188,290 bytes) or
(2,085,128 bytes).
POV-Ray Cloth experiments: http://geitenkaas.dns2go.com/experiments/
Email: apa### [at] yahoocom
ICQ: 146690431
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