I have probably answered my own question. I found a VRML tutorial that
indicates that it is a right-handed coordinate system (I must have misread
the documentation). The "quick fix" is probably to change the handedness of
the POV system using the camera { right mechanism. VRML doesn't seem to
provide a similar fix...unfortunately...I find the left-handed system more
"Marc M. Adkins" <POV### [at] Doorwaysorg> wrote in message
> I'm generating POV-Ray and VRML from the same source. I've read the
> language specification for both, and they would seem to have the same
> coordinate axes. But when I view them, the x-axis is always reversed.
> anyone else seen this? It's making me crazy (well, more than normal). I
> don't want to "fix" it if there's something I'm doing wrong.
> Marc M. Adkins
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