POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : 3D File foramt implimentations : 3D File foramt implimentations Server Time
19 Nov 2024 01:45:49 EST (-0500)
  3D File foramt implimentations  
From: Thomas Lake
Date: 2 Jun 2002 20:00:18
Message: <3cfab192$1@news.povray.org>
I would like to expand my small Java utility mesh2udo to encompass other
file formats. I've been looking at the specs for several different file


 There is a lot to absorbe there and I haven't read enough to implement any
of them. However before I do I though it would be good to have an object
oriented frame work to build on, Java being an OO language. I was thinking
of making a superclass lets call it MeshFileFormat that would model all the
properties common to all file formats. This is where all the vertex data
about the mesh would be stored. Then I could extend this class for each file
format I want to implement. This should also make it easier to convert from
one file format to another because all the file format classes extend a
common class. Can anyone who has OO experience let me know if this sounds
like a good strategy, or can you think of a better way?

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