> Thanks very nice (that was easy!). Now for a harder question - is there
> way to change a 2D function such as this into a 3D function?
This will probably do something like that:
function {
J*sin(A*sin(M*x) + B*cos(N*y) - C*sin(O*z))
+ K*cos(D*cos(P*x) + E*sin(Q*y) - F*cos(R*z))
- L*sin(-G*sin(S*x) - H*cos(T*y) + I*sin(U*z))
But I sorta made it up as I went along. Variables are from A to U. This
really might not create as interesting patterns as the 2D one does, because
it's not as symmetrical of a function.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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