de news: 3CE9E51A.72C1DD01@atosorigin.com...
> Jean Montambeault wrote:
> >
> > Name: vagues.mpg
> > vagues.mpg Type: MPEG Video (video/mpeg)
> > Encoding: base64
> Looks great, but it does not seem that the energy of the waves is not
it decreases, but not enough for you :)
> I hope you like double negatives.
> Also, what's the difference from the poisson.mpg ?
> The animation still stop before it became interesting (bouncing more on
the wall).
yes but the rendering time is important(3 hours 30minutes), and the
exporting time takes about 10-15 minutes, for a Blender user that i am, it's
very long,
> Could you also change the shape of the container ? what about some
> triangle or pentagon or hexagon or even just a simple cylinder ?
> (the cylinder has an interesting effect on the wave, especially if the
> hit is NOT at the center of the cylinder!)
water is animated by a python script, it is very easy to use, so the wave's
script is relatively simple, i didn't have considered coriolis force:)
it is just a quick test of the export script povanim,
however, the geometry of the container is not a big problem, the problem is
that it could create a lot of reflections, so the exporting time would be
(i'm french so excuse me for the mistakes)
> --
> Non Sine Numine
> http://grimbert.cjb.net/
> Puis, s'il advient d'un peu triompher, par hasard,
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