POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : water and some questions : water and some questions Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:26:41 EDT (-0400)
  water and some questions  
From: Steven Vogel
Date: 7 May 2002 00:29:41
Message: <3cd75835@news.povray.org>
Here is my implementation of water, which copies what Rune did, and uses Tim
Nikias's i/o macros to save the arrays to files between frames.  As simple
as it looks, I picked up a lot of neat things running through this: from
smooth triangle patches and finding normals, to making the edges on bezier
patches match up.

It looks like I'm getting two artifacts from the simulation.  One is the
"square" look of the wave when it starts.  The other problem is that the
frequency of the waves is sometimes higher than the frequency of the mesh,
so it looks funny.  I guess I can try a hexagonal grid instead of a square
one, but I have no idea how to get away from the spatial frequency problem.

Does anyone know of a macro that handles a hexagonal mesh?  I'll work some
more on it, but I was getting messed up in the corners.

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