> I am wondering something about the heightfield in POV-Ray 3.5. Is there a
> way to use a height field as a displacement map? That would require the
> height field to wrap an object using the object's UV coordinates just like
> an image map.
I suppose you mean *real* surface displacement - they're easier to fake. But
with an isosurface you can apply a displacement map to any shape. The tricky
thing will be UV mapping. Isosurfaces don't have UV coordinates. The only
other approch I can think of, is to tesselate an object (the tesselation
patch will soon be released). After this you have a grid of points that
follows the original objects shape.. And then it's easy to wrap a
heightfield around those points - with UV mapping included.
So for now, it's not easily going to work.. Unless UV are not so important
to you, then isosurfaces is the answer.
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