"Herman Serras" <Her### [at] pandora be> wrote in message
: A quick look at shapes2.inc learns that those polyhedra are
: circumscribed to a unit sphere.
: http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/formulas/faq.polyhedron.html
Nice. So the bounding spheres are:
Tetrahedron sphere { 0, 3 }
Octahedron sphere { 0, 3/sqrt(3) }
Dodecahedron sphere { 0, 15/sqrt(75+30*sqrt(5)) }
Icosahedron sphere { 0, 15/sqrt(75+30*sqrt(5)) }
I'm still not sure if a box would be better. There's more empty space,
but the bounding bounds the bounded object yet with a box, so..
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