> Inspired by Draco's n-body system anims, I did a quick anim last night of such
> system using my user defined force code. This time, all of the particles are
> attracted to one another, with the force proportional to (m1*m2)/(distance^2).
> only used quick and dirty figures to get a result close to what I wanted. The
> weighs about 20000 times more that the planets, so it pretty much stays put in
> the centre. The planets orbiting an the x-z plane were made to have an almost
> circular orbit, whilst the planet in the y-z plane has some ecentricity.
> Comments, complaints, etc. always welcome.
Just let it run for a couple of minutes, I'm sure there will be not much left of
your solar system :-/
Nice animation btw!
camera{location-z*3}#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*(C/50)#end#macro L(b,e,k,l)#local C=0
;#while(C<50)sphere{G(b,e),.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1
;#end#end L(y-x,y,x,x+y)L(y,-x-y,x+y,y)L(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)L(-y,y,y+z,x+y)L(0,x+y,
<.5,1,.5>,x)L(0,x-y,<.5,1,.5>,x) // ZK http://www.povplace.be.tf
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