Many popular 3D games use skyboxes to simulate a sky. A skybox is simply
a very large box containing the entire world, textured with appropriate
bitmaps in such a way that the edges are (nearly) invisible.
When I tried this in POV-Ray I saw that the edges to not match seamlessly.
I investigated further and found that image_map interpolation behaves wrong.
Take the following scene:
camera {
location <0.5,0.5,-1>
right <1,0,0>
up <0,1,0>
look_at <0.5,0.5,0>
plane {
texture {
pigment {
image_map {
png "texture.png"
interpolate 2
finish {
ambient 1
diffuse 0
texture.png is a 8x8 pixel image with some colors in it, nothing special.
Use a simple black/white checker pattern and put a rectangle in red in
the middle to see it more clearly.
Render this with
+itest.pov +otest.png +fn +w256 +h256 +a0.1 +ki0 +kf1 +kfi0 +kff1
and see the difference between the two images. The interpolated version
shows a shifted texture image. I think it would be correct it the
interpolation would take the middle of each texel (texture bitmap pixel)
instead of a texel's corner.
Is this a bug or a feature?
Timon Christl <chr### [at] fmiuni-passaude>
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