POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Strange transmit in layered texture : Strange transmit in layered texture Server Time
19 Nov 2024 13:33:53 EST (-0500)
  Strange transmit in layered texture  
From: Hugo
Date: 27 Feb 2002 17:37:33
Message: <3c7d5fad@news.povray.org>

Here's something I don't understand: Imagine a 2 layer texture, where the
bottom layer has reflection, and the top layer doesn't but have a
transmittance of 0.. As expected, the top layer will block everything.. But
now, change transmittance to 0.1 and things go wrong.. Colors and specular
highlights of the underlying layer are transmitted through the top layer by
0.1, which is correct, but reflection is just "turned on" and transmits by

I'd like it to transmit by 0.1 as the rest does.. If you ask why, it's
because this is the only way to make a reflection map, and the behaviour
would be more logical IMHO.. Maybe you agree?


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