>There can't be any trick to obtain normal of any point in space becouse point
>has no normal vector as you pointed. There can be trick for particular usage
>but then you have to specify where/how you want to use it.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde> wrote:
>The slope pattern is only defined at the surface of the object it is
>applied to. Therefore you question does not seem to make sense to me.
Actually I don't want the normal of any point in space, but only on the
surface of an object.
I would like to use the value of a given slope pigment in a function which
should be used to as a pattern for another pigment. So only the value on the
surface of an object using this pigment is needed.
Something like this:
#declare slopePigment = pigment
#declare slopeFunction = function
#declare anotherFunction = function(x,y,z)
Or is there any other way doing something similar?
>Using intersection information with an arbitrary object is of course an
>interesting concept for a pattern or function. See:
>for an example. It might be that in the future 'trace' will be made
>available in functions too but not in Povray 3.5.
That's exactly what I was looking for. A shame it's not supported by 3.5.
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