POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Particle System Explosion : Re: Particle System Explosion Server Time
2 Nov 2024 11:25:12 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Particle System Explosion  
From: Tek
Date: 13 Feb 2002 15:29:04
Message: <3c6acc90@news.povray.org>
> I've been working on a way to use my particle system to create explosions.
> This is the result so far. It took a long while to tweak it to look like
> this, and by now I think I've worked so much on it that I can't judge it
> myself anymore; I need outside opinions. So what do you think?

Looks quite nice, but I'd suggest using isosurfaces or dense media instead to
get a more 3D feel. At the moment it looks a lot like it's just flat polygons
facing the camera, which doesn't really suit pov's abilities, it's only the
early stages of the explosion that you can see the particles are actually media
(and even then I had to pause the animation to be sure).

> The animation is 100 frames long and was rendered at 320x240 AA 0.3 on a
> 1GHz computer. Try to guess how long it took.

I'd guess about 5 minutes per frame.... if it is pov...

Actually now I look closer I'm not convinced it is ray traced! Where's the
shadows? Is this just a real-time animation using a pov rendered explosion
texture on each particle?
(apologies if it isn't, but this is just how it looks to me)


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