If I have a union of a box and nothing else and I give the box only a
pigment and the union only a finish, will the box get the finish of the
union or the default one?
#local T=text{ttf"timrom.ttf""Simon Adameit".01,0}#local Y=1;#while(Y>-1)
#local X=0;#while(X<7)#local O=trace(T<X,Y><X,Y>+z);cylinder{<X-3,Y,5>*.01
<X-3,Y,5>*.01+5e-3,5e-5pigment{rgb 25*O}}#debug chr(83-(O.x=0)*51)#local
X=X+.05;#end#debug"\n"#local Y=Y-.05;#end
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