Hmm... how come when I put two grey colored fogs in my scene, near the
horizon i get a pure white color? It seems to be adding the fog colors
together... I expected something more like an *average* of the grey colors.
Here's the fog I'm using...
fog {
distance 40
rgb <.7,.7,.9>
fog_type 2
fog_offset 3.5
fog_alt 1.5
turbulence .6
octaves 8
omega .6
lambda 3
turb_depth .6
fog {
distance 40
rgb <.9,.9,1>*.3
fog_type 2
fog_offset 60
fog_alt 10
How can I keep it from getting white near the horizon?
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
[ http://www.slimeland.com/images/ ]
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