I was using trace on an iso last night, and I got to wondering how this works,
given that the iso-surface has not yet been created. I figured it out (I think),
and I assume that the same solution applies to reflected isos. My question is,
when isos or similiar are reflected, is any of the information re-used, or do
all appearences of an iso in a scene require that all calcs. are redone from
Hope that makes sense.
#macro G(D,E,F)#local I=array[3]{D,E,F}#local B=0;triangle{#while(
B<3)#while(I[B])A[mod(I[B],10)]+#local I[B]=div(I[B],10);#end<-5,-
2,9>#local B=B+1;#end}#end #local A=array[7]{x,x*2,x*4,y,y*2,y*4,z
146)G(105,1256,246)G(1256,126,220)G(22156,2216,201)pigment{rgb 1}}//TM
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